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武汉音乐学院来华留学生管理规定(试行) 武音院字〔2021〕14号 为了便于留学生在武汉音乐学院留学期间了解需要知道的重要信息,结合《武汉音乐学院学生管理规定》(武音院字〔2017〕53号),制定本管理规定。   第一章 来华留学生学籍管理 第一条 注 册 凡被我校录取的留学生,应按照《录取通知书》规定的时间来校报到注册,具体流程如下: 1.新生报到、注册 持护照、《录取通知书》、《外国留学人员来华签证申请表》(JW202表)到相应院系注册,安排住宿。 2.在校生报到、注册 留学生在校生应根据学校校历在每学期开学时持学生证、护照到相应院系办理注册手续。 所有需要缴费的留学生于规定时间按规定到财务部交纳学费及住宿费。 第二条 延期和调整专业 1.留学生需调整专业或延长学习期限的,必须由留学生本人提出书面申请,学校同意方可批准。申请延长学习期限者,须在每年4月15日前提出申请。具体时间以通知为准。 2.留学生有下列情况之一者,不能申请变更专业: (1)正在休学的学生; (2)应予退学者; (3)其他无正当理由者。 第三条 休学与复学 1.留学生可以分阶段完成学业,但应当在最长学习年限内完成学业。休学、留级、保留学籍时间计算在学习年限内。在校最长学习年限,除另有规定外,四年制本科专业学生为六年,五年制本科专业学生为七年。 2.留学生申请休学或者学校认为应当休学的,经学校批准,可以休学。休学从申请批准的学期开始,期限以年为单位计算,学生休学时间累计不超过2年。 3.休学或保留学籍的学生应当在申请批准后的5个工作日内办理手续离校。学生休学或保留学籍期间,不享受在校学习学生待遇。因病休学学生的医疗费按国家及当地的有关规定处理。 4.学生休学或保留学籍期满前一个月内,应当持有关证明,向学校提出复学申请,经学校复查合格,方可复学。 第四条 转学和退学 1.留学生有下列情形之一,学校可以给予退学处理: (1)学业成绩未达到学校要求或者在学校规定的学习年限内未完成学业的; (2)休学、保留学籍期满,在学校规定期限内未提出复学申请或者申请复学经复查不合格的; (3)根据学校指定医院诊断,患有疾病或者意外伤残不能继续在校学习的; (4)未经批准连续两周未参加学校规定的教学活动的; (5)超过学校规定期限未注册而又未履行暂缓注册手续的; (6)学校规定的不能完成学业、应予退学的其他情形。 (7)留学生本人申请退学的,经学校审核同意后,办理退学手续。 2.对留学生的退学处理,由校长办公会研究决定。 3.对退学的留学生,学校出具退学决定书并送达学生本人,同时报湖北省教育厅备案。退学决定书自送达之日起生效。 4.退学决定书直接送达学生本人,学生拒绝签收的,以留置方式送达;已离校的,采取邮寄方式送达;难于联系的,利用学校网站、新闻媒体等以公告方式送达,公告日期为60天。 第五条 毕业与结业 1.留学生在学校规定学习年限内,修完教育教学计划规定内容,成绩合格,达到学校毕业条件的,学校准予毕业,并颁发毕业证书。符合学位授予条件的,学校颁发学位证书。 2.留学生在学校规定学习年限内,修完教育教学计划规定内容,但未达到学校毕业要求的,学校可以准予结业,发给结业证书。 3.结业的留学生,可以在规定时间内申请参加相关课程的重修及考试。考试合格,颁发毕业证书。符合学位授予条件的,颁发学位证书。合格后颁发的毕业证书、学位证书,毕业时间、获得学位时间按发证日期填写。具体按学校有关管理规定执行。 第六条 离 校 1.留学生离校(转学、休学、退学、毕业)前须按规定办理手续,结清费用,交还应交回的物品、卧具、图书、证件等,学校据此办理有关离校手续。对于毕业生在所有离校手续办妥后,最后发给各种证书。 2.因休学、退学、转学离校的留学生,须在接到通知之日起10日内办好离校手续离校。 3.结业或毕业的留学生,在结业或毕业后的10日内离校。毕业、转学的留学生不按规定时间离校者,学校不再提供住房。 4.对于不办理离校手续离校的留学生, 学校将不负责提供其在校的学习证明、学习成绩单以及毕业(结业)证书等有关资料。 5.留学生不得违反中国法律规定就业、打工。否则,学校将按校纪校规严肃处理。   第二章 来华留学生奖惩 第一条 奖 励 1.对于努力学习,认真完成学习任务,遵守校纪校规,品学兼优或在某方面表现突出的留学生,学校将予以表彰。 2.对长期积极支持、协助老师工作、帮助同学的留学生,给予适当奖励。 第二条 处 罚 1.对违反校纪校规的学生,学校视其情节轻重和态度好坏给予批评教育或纪律处分。 纪律处分分下列五种:警告、严重警告、记过、留校察看、开除学籍。 2.无视学校纪律、破坏公共财产、酗酒、哄闹、故意摔砸酒瓶、斗殴、持械伤人、吸毒、贩毒或有其它不良行为者,学校将视情节轻重分别给予处分。留校察看的留学生,一年内如能改正错误,可解除处分;经教育仍不改正者或重犯者,责令其退学。因违反学校纪律被勒令退学或开除学籍者,国际交流合作处将通知武汉市公安局出入境管理部门办理注销签证或居留许可手续并立即回国。 3.凡在规定学习和休息时间内,打闹喧哗,进行各种有碍他人学习、休息的活动且不听劝阻者;违反宿舍安全规范、在非紧急情况在门禁期间违规进出留学生公寓者;无正当理由,长期晚归者;煽动、组织聚众闹事,破坏学校正常生活、教学秩序者,给予记过以上处分。 4.违纪学生有下列情形之一者,应从重或加重处分: (1)认错态度不好,拒不交待违纪事实、隐瞒重要情节或伪造情节者; (2)同时违反多项纪律者; (3)屡次违反纪律者; (4)对检举、揭发人实行恐吓、威胁、打击报复者。 5.对传播淫秽书刊和音像制品者,视情节轻重给予留校察看及以上处分。 6.参与卖淫、嫖娼、骚扰他人、非法同居、擅自留宿他人者,学校将视情节给予记过及以上处分。 7.严禁到江河湖泊游泳或洗澡,违反者给予记过及以上处分。   第三章 来华留学生住宿管理 第一条 留学生校内住宿管理 1.持普通护照并在我校注册的境外学生,原则上都安排在学生公寓居住。留学生经系院同意,凭本人录取通知书和护照,填写《住宿登记表》,办理登记入住手续。 2.留学生住宿由系院及学生公寓管理部门统一安排。 3.留学生应遵守学校的住宿规定,服从系院与公寓管理人员的安排,按指定房间住宿,不得私自换房、转借他人居住或强占房间。 4.留学生住房住宿费标准按照学校有关规定执行。留学生开学报到时需付清一学期/一年的住宿费。 5.入住之后,不可私自留宿他人。 6.中途退学或学习期满的留学生,应在10天内办理退房手续。 7.学生退宿时,须由公寓管理员检查房间内的设施以及物品。若发现房内设施、物品有人为污染、损坏或者遗失,管理部门将视情节按件收取一定的费用作为赔偿费。 8.住宿者自行保管房间钥匙,若有遗失,应及时向公寓管理员报告登记并交费补配,退房时须交房间钥匙(不得私自调换房间门锁及加装外锁等)。 9.禁止在室内使用电炉以及其他电加热器具,不准自己随意安装或改造线路。严禁将易燃、易爆、剧毒、放射性等危险物品带入公寓或公寓区。不得在楼内或向窗外燃放烟火、爆竹。遵守防火规定,严防火灾。 10.应保持公寓安静,不得在公寓内从事影响他人学习和休息的活动,如跳舞、大声喧哗、高声放音乐等。 11.保持公寓内外卫生,要定期打扫卫生,并讲究个人卫生,保持整洁舒适的公寓内外环境。禁止在公寓楼内饲养禽畜及各类宠物。 12.不得在走廊堆放私人物品,不得在走廊墙壁处随意涂划和张贴。 13.节约能源,遵守用电、用水规定。 14.爱护公物,正确使用公寓公物,不得人为污染,不得对物品私自拆卸、改装。损坏公物要照价赔偿。恶意损坏公物者将根据情节进行处罚。 15.禁止在公寓内酗酒,不得利用公寓从事违反中国法律和学校规章制度的活动,如传教、斗殴、聚赌、吸毒、卖淫、宿娼等违法犯罪活动。不得播放淫秽录音、录像及VCD、DVD等。 16.公寓管理人员因工作需要进入房间时,留学生应予以配合,不得拒绝,更不能阻挠公寓管理人员履行职责。 17.违反上述规定的,将按照相关规定给予纪律处分。 第二条 留学生校外住宿管理 1.已报到注册的国际学生,如需到校外住宿,一切费用自理,按如下程序办理: (1)须本人提交校外住宿申请。 (2)到租房所在地的派出所办理《临时住宿登记表》; (3)凭上述材料到武汉市公安局出入境管理处办理居留许可地址变更。 2.在校外住宿的国际学生,应注意: (1)遵守中国法律法规,对自己的人身和财产安全负责; (2)防火防盗防骗防溺水,安全使用电器,遵守交通规章,合法使用各种交通工具; (3)保持与学校的联系,如更改住址,应及时通知系院并提交新的临时住宿情况。   第四章 来华留学生医疗保险管理 1.为适应来华留学事业快速发展的需要,保障外国留学生的合法权益,完善处理突发事件应急机制,优化留学环境,教育部国际司于2007年制定并下发了《高等学校要求外国留学生购买保险暂行规定》(教外司来[2007]1078号),根据文件精神,结合本校实际特制定本管理规定。 2.凡在我校注册全日制学习的外国留学生,学习期间必须购买武汉市城镇居民医疗保险。 3.购买学校指定的保险的留学生应在缴纳学费的同时缴纳相应学期的保险费用。 4.学校各院系、各单位在与海外院校或机构签署接受来华留学生的协议时,必须按照本办法第二条的规定,明确来华留学生的保险费用的承担方和支付方式。无明确规定的,保险费用由留学生本人承担。 5.学校授权国际交流合作处对本规定进行解释。   武汉音乐学院 2021年5月12日   Regulations of the Wuhan Conservatory of Music for Management of Its International Students(Trial) In order to help international students understand the important facts they need to know during their study at Wuhan Conservatory of Music (WHCM), the Regulations on the Management of International Students at Wuhan Conservatory of Music (hereinafter referred to as "the Regulations") are formulated based on theStudent Management Regulations of Wuhan Conservatory of Music(W.Y.Y.Z. [2017] No. 53). We warmly welcome you, every international student, and are ready to provide you help. We believe that you will have fruitful learning experience and rich foreign cultural experiences during your study at WHCM.)   Chapter 1 Management of International Students' Enrollment Article 1 Registration All international students admitted to WHCM shall enrol at the conservatory within the time specified on the Admission Letter. Detailed procedures are as follows: 1. Registration of newly-admitted international students Newly-admitted international students shall enrol at their corresponding schools/departments on time with their passports, Admission Letter, and Visa Application for Study in China (JW202 Form); after enrolment, accommodation will be arranged for them. 2. Registration of other international students International students other than newly admitted ones shall go through registration formalities at their corresponding schools/departments with student ID cards and passports at the beginning of each semester according to the academic calendar of the conservatory. All self-funded international students shall pay tuition and accommodation costs to the finance office of the conservatory on time. Article 2 Extension of Study Period and Change of Major 1. International students who need to change their majors or extend their study period must submit a written application in person to the conservatory and have the application approved by the conservatory. Those who intend to apply for extension of the study period shall submit the application before April 15th every year. The application deadline is subject to the relevent notice. 2. International students under any of the following circumstances cannot apply for changing their majors: (1) Those suspending their schooling; (2) Those who shall be expelled from the conservatory; (3) Those who cannot provide any justifiable reason. Article 3 Suspension and Resumption of Schooling 1. International students may complete their studies in stages, but they should complete their studies within the prescribed maximum length of study. Time length of schooling suspension, repetition, and student status retention is included in the length of schooling. Unless otherwise specified, the maximum length of study at the conservatory shall be six years for students enrolled in four-year undergraduate programmes and seven years for students enrolled in five-year undergraduate programmes. 2. If an international student applies for schooling suspension or the conservatory considers it necessary to have the student's schooling suspended, the student's schooling can be suspended upon approval by the conservatory. Suspension starts from the semester when the application is approved, and its length is calculated in years. The total time period of suspension shall not exceed 2 years. 3. Students who suspend schooling or retain student status should complete the relevant formalities and leave school within 5 working days after the application is approved. They will not be entitled to the same treatment as enrolled students during the suspension of schooling or the retention of student status. The expenses of medical treatment of students suspended due to illness shall be handled in accordance with relevant national and local provisions. 4. Within one month before the expiration of the schooling suspension period or the student status retention period, students should submit an application with relevant certificates for the resumption of schooling. Only after the application is approved by the conservatory can they resume schooling. Article 4 Transfer to Another University and Withdrawal from the Conservatory 1. Internationalstudents may be required to withdraw from the conservatory under one of the following circumstances: (1)Failure to meet the conservatory's academic performance requirements or to complete studies within the maximum length of study prescribed by the conservatory; (2)Failure to apply for resumption of schooling by the date specified by the conservatory or to meet the conservatory’s criteria for schooling resumption, upon expiration of the schooling suspension period or the student status retention period; (3)Suffering from any disease or accidental disability that prevents the student from continuing study according to the diagnosis of the hospital designated by the conservatory; (4)Failure to take part in the teaching activities specified by the conservatory without approval for two consecutive weeks; (5)Failure to complete registration within the time limit specified by the conservatory without going through procedures to temporarily defer registration; (6)Other circumstances where students should be withdrawn from the conservatory because they cannot complete studies. (7)International students who apply for withdrawal from the conservatory shall go through the withdrawal procedures after the application is reviewed and approved by the conservatory. 2. The decision on whether an international student should be required to withdraw from the conservatory shall be determined by the principal's office. 3. For international students who withdraw from the conservatory, the conservatory will provide a written decision on withdrawal to the students, and submit it to the Hubei Provincial Department of Education for the record.The decision on withdrawal shall take effect as of the date when it is received by the students. 4. The decision on withdrawal shall be delivered directly to the student concerned. If the student refuses to sign for it, it can be left in the student’s address with witnesses; if the student has left the conservatory, it can be delivered to the student by mail; if it is difficult to contact the student, the decision can be announced through the conservatory’s website, news media, or other ways. In the last case, the announcement shall be maintained for 60 days. Article 5 Graduation and Completion of Schooling 1. Upon completion of all required courses within the maximum length of study specified by the conservatory at Pass level or above and meeting the graduation requirements, international students will be allowed to graduate with a graduation certificate awarded by the conservatory. The students eligible to receive a degree will be awarded a degree certificate by the conservatory. 2. Where international students have completed all required courses within the length of study prescribed by the conservatory but failed to meet the graduation requirements, they will be allowed to graduate with a certificate of completion. 3. International students who graduate with a certificate of completion may apply for retakes and examinations of relevant courses within the specified time.After passing the examination, a graduation certificate will be awarded to them. The students eligible to receive a degree will be awarded a degree certificate. The time of graduation and the time of obtaining the degree shall be indicated on the certificates in accordance with the date of issuance of the certificates. The specific implementation in this regard shall be subject to the relevant management regulations of the conservatory. Article 6 Leaving the Conservatory 1. Before leaving the conservatory (due to transfer to another university, suspension of schooling, withdrawal from the conservatory, or graduation), international students shall go through the required formalities, including settling outstanding charges, and returning beddings, books, relevant certificates, and other items to the conservatory as required by it, and the conservatory will proceed with their school-leaving procedures accordingly.Graduates will receive relevant certificates after completing the full procedures for leaving the conservatory. 2. International students who leave the conservatory due to transferal to another university,suspension of schooling or withdrawal from the conservatory shall complete the full procedures for leaving the conservatory within 10 days after receiving the relevant notice. 3. International students who have completed all required courses or graduated shall leave the conservatory within 10 days after receiving the certificate of completion and the graduation certificate. The conservatory will not provide accommodation to any international student who has graduated or transferred to another university yet has not left the conservatory within the prescribed time. 4. International students who leave the conservatory without completing the procedures required for leaving the conservatory will not receive such relevant materials as the certification of study at the conservatory, transcript, and graduation (course-completion) certificate provided by the conservatory. 5. International students shall not take any full-time or part-time job in violation of China's laws and regulations, or else they will be severely punished in accordance with the rules and disciplines of the conservatory.   Chapter 2 Rewards and Punishments for International Students Article 1 Rewards 1. International students who study diligently, finish academic assignments conscientiously, abide by the rules and disciplines of the conservatory, and excel in morals and studies or other aspects will be commended by the conservatory. 2. International students who have been proactively supporting and assisting teachers in their work and helping schoolmates will be appropriately rewarded. Article 2 Punishments 1. Students who violate the conservatory's disciplines and rules will be reprimanded or subjected to disciplinary actions, depending on the seriousness of their disciplinary offense and their attitude. There are five kinds of disciplinary actions: warning, serious warning, demerit, academic probation, and expulsion from the conservatory. 2. Those who ignore the conservatory's disciplines, destroy public property, indulge in excessive drinking, cause disturbances, deliberately smash bottles, injure others with instruments, involve in physical assaulting, drug taking or trafficking, or commit other punishable acts will be punished by the conservatory, depending on the seriousness of the circumstances. If international students on academic probation can correct their behaviors within a year, the disciplinary action imposed on them may be lifted. Those who refuse to correct behaviors or re-commit punishable acts will be expelled from the conservatory. For those who are required to leave or expelled from the conservatory due to violation of the conservatory's disciplines, the Office of International Exchange and Cooperation will notify Wuhan Public Security Bureau to cancel their visas or residence permits, and they shall return to their countries immediately. 3. Students who make noises or act in a way that affects others' study or rest yet refuse to stop such act despite admonishment during the time scheduled for study and rest; violate the dormitory safety rules or enter or exit from international student dormitories in violation of access rules in any non-emergency situation; return to dorms late quite often without any proper reason; or stir up trouble, organize people to cause disturbances, or commit any other act that disrupts the normal teaching order of the conservatory, will be punished with a disciplinary action more serious than demerit. 4. More severe disciplinary actions shall be imposed on students that fall into any of the following categories: (1) Those who have a bad attitude in admitting the disciplinary offence, refuse to confess the violation of disciplines, conceal important facts or falsify facts; (2) Those who violate more than one disciplines simultaneously; (3) Those who have repeatedly violated disciplines; (4) Those who intimidate, threaten, or retaliate against someone who gives the information about the offence. 5. Those who disseminate pornographic publications and audio and video products will be given a disciplinary action no lighter than academic probation, depending on the seriousness of the offence. 6. Those who are involved in prostitution, molestation, unlawful cohabitation, or accommodate other people without permission will be given a disciplinary action no lighter than demerit, depending on the seriousness of the offence. 7. International students are strictly forbidden from swimming or bathing in rivers and lakes; violators will be given a disciplinary action no lighter than demerit.   Chapter 3 Accommodation Management for International Students Article 1 Management of On-campus Accommodation for International Students 1. International students who hold ordinary passports and enroll in our conservatory shall, in principle, be accommodated in student dormitories. They are required to fill in the Accommodation Registration Form and go through the relevant formalities with their passports and letters of admission upon the approval by their schools/departments. 2. Accommodation for international students shall be arranged by their schools/departments and the student dormitory management office. 3. International students shall abide by the conservatory's accommodation regulations; comply with the arrangements made by their schools/departments and dorm supervisors; and stay in the designated rooms; they shall not change or sublet rooms or occupy others' rooms without permission. 4. The standard of accommodation fees for international students shall conform with the relevant rules of the conservatory. International students shall pay one-semester/one-year accommodation fee at the time of enrolment. 5. International students shall not lodge others without permission after they move in the dormitories. 6. Dropouts or students who have finished study shall check out of their dorms within 10 days. 7. When students check out of their dorms, dorm supervisors shall check the articles and facilities in the rooms. If there is any item or facility contaminated, damaged or lost, the dormitory management office will charge a certain fee as compensation, depending on the circumstances. 8. Students shall keep room keys by themselves. If a student loses the key, the student shall immediately notify the dormitory supervisor of it, register it and pay the cost of duplicating the key. Students shall hand in keys when checking out of their dorms (changing room keys or installing external locks without permission is forbidden). 9. It is forbidden to use electric stoves or other electric heating devices indoors; laying wires or rewiring without permission is also prohibited. It is strictly forbidden to bring dangerous articles such as inflammables, explosives, highly toxic articles, and radioactive articles into dormitories or the domitory area. Students shall not set off fireworks or firecrackers inside dormitories or outside windows, and shall observe fire prevention regulations and take strict fire safety precautions. 10. Students shall keep quiet in dorms; do not dance, speak loudly, or play music in high volume, or engage in any other activity in dorms that affect others’ study and rest. 11. Students shall keep both inside and outside of dorms clean; regularly clean dorms, pay attention to personal hygiene, and keep the dorms and their surroundings tidy and comfortable. It is forbidden to keep pets, birds and livestock in the dorms. 12. Students shall not stack private belongings in corridors, scribble or paste anything on walls of corridors. 13. Students shall save energy, and observe the regulations on electricity and water usage. 14. Students shall show respect for public property and use them properly, and shall not contaminate them, or dismantle or refit them without permission. Students shall pay the full price of the public property damaged by them. Those who maliciously damage public property will be punished in accordance with the seriousness of circumstances. 15. Students shall not drink excessively in dorms, or engage in any activities that violate China's laws and the conservatory's rules and regulations, such as proselytizing, physical assaulting, gambling, drug taking, prostitution,or playing pornographic recordings, videos, VCDs, and DVDs. 16. If any dormitory supervisor need to enter students’ rooms due to work, students shall be cooperative and shall not obstruct the supervisor in the performance of duty. 17. Anyone who violates the above-mentioned regulations will be given disciplinary actions in accordance with relevant regulations. Article 2 Management of Off-campus Accommodation for International Students 1. International students who have enrolled in the conservatory and need off-campus accommodation shall bear all expenses of off-campus accommodation and follow the procedures below: (1) Submit the application for off-campus accommodation in person; (2) Fill out theTemporary Accommodation Registration Format the police station where the rented accommodation is located; (3) Have the residence permit address changed at the Exit and Entry Administration Department of Wuhan Public Security Bureau with the above materials 2. International students who are accommodated off the campus should: (1) Abide by China's laws and regulations and be responsible for their personal and property safety; (2) Protect themselves from fire, theft, fraud, drowning; safely use electrical appliances;comply with traffic regulations; and lawfully use the means of transportation; (3) Keep in touch with the conservatory, and promptly notify their schools/departments of any change of their address and their new temporary accommodation.   Chapter 4 Medical Insurance Management for International Students 1. In order to meet the needs of the rapid development of international education in China, safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of international students, improve the emergency response mechanism, and optimize international education environment, the Department of International Cooperation and Exchanges of the Ministry of Education (MoE) has formulated and issued theProvisional Regulations on Compulsory International Student Insurance at Higher Institutions of Learning(J.W.S.L. [2007] No.1078). Based on these Provisional Regulations and the realities of WHCM, the Regulations on Medical Insurance Management for International Students are formulated. 2. All full-time international students at our conservatory shall purchase the medical insurance for Wuhan residents during their study. 3. International students who intend to purchase the insurance designated by the conservatory shall pay the insurance premium for the corresponding semester while paying the tuition. 4. When signing agreements with overseas colleges/universities or institutions for accepting international students, the schools/departments or units of the conservatory shall, in accordance with Article 2 herein, specify the payer of the insurance premium and its payment method for international students.If there is no specified requirement, the insurance premium shall be paid by international students themselves. 5. The conservatory has authorized the International Exchange and Cooperation Office to interpret these Regulations. Wuhan Conservatory of Musi May 12th, 2021

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